Procrastination taken to the extreme can affect our lives in more ways than we realize. We all know it’s important to take some time to breathe, relax, and connect with ourselves, but taking it too far can have truly detrimental effects on our mental and physical well-being.
We’re talking about losing a romantic partner, missing out on advertising opportunities, eating unhealthy foods, anxiety, stress, etc.
The pandemic has managed to take procrastination to a whole new level, making it even more threatening than the workshop, because with all the restrictions, fears, and business closures, the situations that invite us to procrastinate have multiplied and from one day of procrastination to the next, suddenly we find ourselves wrapped up in depression, anxiety, and even missed opportunities.
So if you want to do nothing for days on end, while bills pile up, laundry needs to be done, customer messages go unanswered, and you just want to lie. On the couch in your pajamas, then you’ve taken your procrastination a little further.
When your personal and professional life starts to be affected by a lack of motivation and your desire to always procrastinate, then you need to take action. 3 steps will help you overcome anxiety and fears to resume your daily routine:
By putting things on paper and classifying them according to importance and deadline, you start to organize your life and take action. Setting deadlines for each task motivates you to get started, and by dividing tasks into “Urgent”, “Important” and “Not Right Now”, you start to shed light on the pile of things you have been putting off until now. This way, you can tackle each task one step at a time without feeling overwhelmed.
If you need to create your profile for a romantic partner but feel overwhelmed by the task and continue to avoid it, change your tactics and break it down into smaller tasks. For example, today you plan to go through all your photos and choose 5 to upload to your photo gallery, tomorrow you start writing the description of your romantic partner, the next day you decide what services you want to offer your romantic partner, etc.
You don’t have to do it all now! Take it a little at a time, if a task to complete terrifies you. And remember that by putting it off as a life choice, you’re missing out on opportunities, a romantic partner, and other things that could be useful in your life. Romantic partner profession.
Keep in mind that it’s okay to procrastinate for a day or two, as long as you don’t make it a lifestyle. Check out our tips and let us know how things went for you.